URG is looking for yards that would like to beta test this great new feature with us.

This solution also creates efficiencies and saves your sales personnel valuable time by not having to manually look up each part and enter it into the updated price quote along with the delivery time line. This information is now automatically included in the quote.
Note: This integration is at no additional cost to URG Members.
If you would like to get setup as a beta yard, please email support@u-r-g.com with the following details:
Yard Name
Contact Name
Email Address
PartsTrader is a web-based collision replacement parts market connecting OEM, aftermarket, remanufactured, specialized and recycled automotive parts suppliers with collision repairers looking for replacement parts.
The PartsTrader system has been built to meet the specific needs of the collision replacement parts market, and was developed and continues to be enhanced based on real-life use and recommendations from repairers and suppliers across the continental United States. PartsTrader is currently integrated with estimatics software using CIECA industry standards for integration, and our company is working with industry stakeholders and other solution providers to the industry to use the more secure BMS standard to the maximum extent possible. LEARN MORE