TECHNICAL SUPPORT – Tech Tip for September – Updates!

This month’s TechTip is the EASIEST one to do and it doesn’t get done NEARLY as often as you would think: Updating your PC!

Your PC is a complex machine. There is a surprising amount of things going on just for you to be able to click on a link to read your mom’s latest Facebook forward or reply to that customer who still doesn’t understand why you don’t have the part they need.

But your PC is never static, it is always changing, and one of the most IMPORTANT changes is software updates! More often than not, these happen in the background when you aren’t even aware of them, but sometimes they need a little more help from YOU to get things done!

The easiest way to do this is to let the PC Auto Update! Many (if not all) Windows PCs now have this enabled by default. However, some of those updates sometimes require that a restart to take place, OR require that they be installed when you aren’t actively using the computer. And sometimes… we tell the PC we’re too busy to run that update….👀

The solution is easy, at the end of your busy day, Restart and Update your computer!

When you are done for the day, click the Windows icon, click on the Power icon, and select Restart and Update. This will complete those pesky installs, restart the computer, and leave it ready for you for tomorrow!

— Michael Guerra

Technical Support Specialist



Q: Why don’t you see giraffes in elementary school?

A: Because they’re all in high school.

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