TECHNICAL SUPPORT – Tech Tip for August

We use our web browsers every day and hardly give them a thought. But, what if I told you that just about every single task you do at a yard had a shortcut to make your life EASIER? Say it ain’t so!

The shortcuts I am sharing are common across ALL browsers, meaning they will work the same no matter which one you prefer to use. I wont share the ones that are browser specific, because what’s the point of knowing it if you don’t even use it! On to the shortcuts!


Ctrl+1-8 – Switch to the specified tab, counting from the left.

Ctrl+9 – Switch to the last tab.

Ctrl+Tab – Switch to the next tab – in other words, the tab on the right. (Ctrl+Page Up also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)

Ctrl+Shift+Tab – Switch to the previous tab – in other words, the tab on the left. (Ctrl+Page Down also works, but not in Internet Explorer.)

Ctrl+WCtrl+F4 – Close the current tab.

Ctrl+Shift+T – Reopen the last closed tab.

Ctrl+T – Open a new tab.

Ctrl+N – Open a new browser window.

Alt+F4 – Close the current window. (Works in all applications.)



Middle Click a Tab – Close the tab.

Ctrl+Left Click, Middle Click – Open a link in a background tab.

Shift+Left Click – Open a link in a new browser window.

Ctrl+Shift+Left Click – Open a link in a foreground tab.



Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E – Focus the browser’s built-in search box or focus the address bar if the browser doesn’t have a dedicated search box. (Ctrl+K doesn’t work in IE, Ctrl+E does.)

Alt+Enter – Perform a search from the search box in a new tab.

Ctrl+F or F3 – Open the in-page search box to search on the current page.

Ctrl+G or F3 – Find the next match of the searched text on the page.

Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3 – Find the previous match of the searched text on the page.


There are MANY more, but hopefully these will get you started on making yourself a power browser user!

— Michael Guerra

Technical Support Specialist



Q: Why did the SUV join a gym?

A: It wanted to be a 4×4!

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