GET TO KNOW YOU SERIES: Glen’s Car & Truck

In this edition of the URG Member Highlight, we sat down with Damian Serafimovski from Glen’s Car & Truck in Taylor, Michigan. Damian’s story is a powerful reminder of the drive and determination that fuels family-run businesses in the automotive recycling industry.

“My grandfather immigrated from Yugoslavia and worked on the line at Chrysler, but after being laid off in 1982, he wasn’t ready to stop. He saw the potential in automotive recycling and jumped in. Since then, he’s been committed to growing the business by focusing on selling quality parts and making things more affordable for our customers.”

The journey wasn’t easy for Damian’s grandparents, particularly with language barriers. “He didn’t know English at all when he came over. Overcoming those challenges was a big part of our success. The fact that my grandfather, with so little when he started, built something from the ground up is incredible. If he could sell a couple of alternators a day, I know I can strive to do three times that. Being educated in the U.S., I owe it to him to push further.”

Damian’s early exposure to the family business left a lasting impact. “From a young age, I was involved in the yard’s day-to-day operations. My mom wore multiple hats and often brought me along when I was just a kid. My grandmother, who worked at Henry Ford, took care of me, balanced paperwork, and even handled sales. Watching her juggle all these responsibilities made a strong impression on me.”

Although his grandfather is now semi-retired, Damian says he’s still relentless. “He’s the one opening up every day, getting here early, and leaving last, even at 78. That level of dedication is inspiring.”

Damian shared how he grew into his role: “I started doing inventory when I was very young, making sure parts were in good condition for customers. Over time, I transitioned into sales, learning how to meet customer needs and ensure everything ran smoothly. By the time I graduated high school in 2016, I was fully involved in day-to-day operations alongside my dad, grandfather, and mom.”

The business is now expanding, with a new facility in the works. “We’ve been working on this project for a while, and we’re close to finishing it. The new facility will be a huge leap, from our current 12 acres to 28 acres.”

Reflecting on URG’s impact, Damian didn’t hold back. “If you’re not in URG, you’re missing out. I was skeptical at first, but once I joined, it completely changed my business. URG brought us 180 degrees. I recommend joining right away—you don’t realize what you’re missing until you experience it.”

Damian also offered advice for others in the industry: “Network as much as possible. Ask questions, and don’t hesitate to find groups like URG and PRP to help grow your business. You can’t know what you don’t know, so it’s vital to learn from others.”

The family dynamic at Glen’s Car & Truck plays a key role in their retention of employees. “We’re family-oriented. Many of our team members have been with us for over ten years, and we try to create an environment where they feel like they’re part of something special. My mom often cooks lunch for the team, and everyone feels like family here.”

Looking ahead, Damian is focused on building an even stronger customer connection. “I want Glen’s Car & Truck to be the go-to place for parts. I want people to think of us like they think of Coca-Cola—instantly recognizable and trusted. Our goal is to deliver outstanding warranties and build relationships with our customers so they know they can count on us.”

His final advice? “Attend the URG Conference if you haven’t already. It will change your business. We’re all in this together, so just do it.”

Catch the full interview on the URG On-the-Go podcast!

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