Auto Recycling World AUG 2024 / Read original article

The recycling of plastics from end-of-life and repaired cars needs to step up a gear to meet stricter EU requirements and high demand for recycled plastics.

Over 80 percent of all plastic from scrapped cars in Denmark ends up in incinerators and landfills. Danish Technological Institute has united the automotive industry to increase the reuse and recycling of plastic materials by up to 75 percent. The partnership will address the fact that the automotive industry is bound for new and stricter EU rules on the recycling rate of plastics used in cars.

Third largest plastic consumer in Europe

From bodywork and seat foam to dashboards, panels and bumpers. A modern car contains over 200 kilograms of plastic, and with over a billion cars on the road globally, the automotive industry is Europe’s third largest consumer of plastic after packaging and construction. However, when scrapped, the majority of plastic ends up being incinerated or landfilled.

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